Posts Tagged ‘law firms’

Looking for a training contract from a firm that does family law?

I’m looking at places where i can do my training contract to become a solicitor. I want to be a family lawyer (primarily) so i would like to know of any law firms (from the top range to the mid range) that would be suitable for my needs. (Preferably pays well too) Thanks n advance. […]


Collaborative Law – a Better Alternative

Many law firms are limiting their family law practice to collaborative divorce only for many good reasons. Many believe that collaborative practice enhances the odds for a better result as it is indicated by many cases. Collaborative divorce can be a multipart experience requiring recommendation and guidance from various perspectives if it is to be […]


Should Law Firms Use the Internet?

Advertising is a relatively recent development in the legal profession. Not all firms advertise it is advisable for every law firm to take note of the important resource the internet has become to consumers seeking services. Even among lawyers and firms that chose not to advertise, the importance of the internet as a consumer resource […]