Posts Tagged ‘courtroom’

can handcuffs be used when a judge gets angry at you in family law court?

A judge in family law court got angry at me today and held me in contempt and then ordered the bailiff to put me in handcuffs. can he legally do this? Put it this way, he can order you to be handcuffed AND arrested right there on the spot. He’s a judge silly. People visit […]


FAMILY LAW One Mistake 2000 Kathleen Quinlan

KATHLEEN QUINLAN, Tom Amandes, Bruce Abbott, Jordan Baker, Carol Locatell and Clyde Yasuhara in “One Mistake” episode of FAMILY LAW. Written and directed by PAUL HAGGIS. Aired October 9, 2000 on CBS. Duration : 0:1:14 Technorati Tags: abuse, actor, Asian, Attorney, Character, child, courtroom, custody, drama, Lawyer, Legal, molesting, television, tv